Test your knowledge

Answer each multiple choice question and submit your answers to see your results!

  1. What year did Ukranians begin to immigrate to Canada?

  2. Look at the table to answer the following question:

    The percentage of Canadians who have Ukrainian origins
    The number of acres anyone could acquire under the Dominion Lands Act for a $10 administration fee
    The number of Ukrainians that arrived in Canada before 1914

    In order from top to bottom, which numbers match the statements in the above table?

  3. What is the Ukrainian word for “carols”?

  4. True or false: the English pronunciation of Різдво, “Christmas” in Ukrainian is “Rizdvo.”

  5. How many dishes are included as part of Свята Вечеря, “Holy Supper” on Christmas Eve?

  6. Look at the table to answer the following question:


    In order from top to bottom, what do the things above represent?

  7. What is the English pronunciation of the dish that is always served first at Свята Вечеря, “Holy Supper”?

  8. What days do Ukrainian Christmas fall on?

  9. True or false: the Orthodox Church observes the Gregorian calendar.

  10. Which is Ukranian Christmas greeting?