Leah Lockhart

Designer. Developer. Illustrator.

Art Prompt Generator

Combining Art and Development

The art prompt generator is a website I created as an independent project during the final semester of my diploma. It’s a tool that artists can use to generate random prompts with toggleable attributes such as art styles, settings, subjects, etc. If the user creates an account, they can even save their generated prompts to use later or upload to the site alongside the finished artwork they created based on what they got. Anyone visiting the site, logged in or not, can view the gallery of works, or just generate prompts for fun.

Generating the Prompts

The prompt generation functionality of the site uses MySQL with PHP. There are various tables in a database pertaining to each prompt attribute, all filled with enough words to ensure unique prompts. Once the user chooses what attributes they want their prompt to include and submits the form, a random row is pulled from each selected table, and the words are put together in a string and displayed to the user.

Saving the Prompts

If the user is logged in and chooses to save the prompt, the string will be sent to a table of generated prompts, along with the user’s id, so the prompt can appear on the user’s profile as long as their account exists. The prompts also appear on the upload page, in a drop-down menu of everything they’ve saved, and the chosen prompt will appear as the title of the piece in the gallery, alongside their username. These usernames can be searched to see only works created by that artist.

Sharing and Viewing Work

I decided to keep the upload and gallery functionality fairly simple, as this wasn’t meant to be a social media platform, simply an opportunity to share work created with inspiration from generated prompts. The site overall was kept simple, so it could be a straightforward tool anyone could quickly use to their liking. The simple design also keeps the focus on the user’s creativity as they imagine what they could create with the prompts, not distracting or swaying them, like a blank canvas.